While performing home exercises the following is recommended:

  1. Breathe slowly and evenly.
  2. Do not make abrupt or fast movements with the extremity;
    move slowly and at an even pace.
  3. Maintain good posture and abide by the written technique.
  4. Focus and think about what the exercise is supposed to achieve.

For Strengthening: Household items may be used in place of traditional weights

Exercises should be done with nothing in your hand. Once you have full motion and good control, you may add a comfortable weight. This will help achieve strength, tone, conditioning, and endurance.

Stretching/motion aids - Broom, mop, cane, umbrella, rake handle, shovel handle, sport accessories (golf club, tennis racquet, ski pole, hockey stick, baseball bat, lacrosse stick), etc.

Weights - Small, medium, or large soup cans, small, medium, or large water (or any drink) bottles, casserole and/or sauce pans, small, medium, or large books, plates, etc.